Apr. 29, 2020
HARRISBURG – State Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar (R-Somerset/Bedford) today announced that the governor is backing off his plan to reopen Pennsylvania by region. Metzgar recently wrote a letter to the governor urging him to restructure his plan to open by county, as was done when he closed them. He specifically cited issues with his district, Somerset and Bedford counties, being placed in the same region as more urban areas like Pittsburgh and York.
“I am enormously thankful for the voices and efforts of Somerset and Bedford counties, as well as all Pennsylvanians who are dissatisfied with the governor’s plan,” said Metzgar. “This is a great victory for all of us who want the Commonwealth reopened fairly and efficiently.”
The governor had recently released his plan to reopen Pennsylvania, breaking up the Commonwealth into six regions. Concerns have been voiced throughout the Commonwealth about rural areas being placed in the same region as urban areas, even though they have very different COVID-19 statistics.
The letter is attached for reference, here.
Representative Carl Walker Metzgar
69th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Kevin DiGuiseppe